- Dodi, Superman!
Mini biographie:
Khaled a etudie les tele-communications
a l' Universite de Ain Shams
(mention : Excellent avec honneurs). Tout en etant joueur a l'Equipe
Nationale Egyptienne de Water-Polo, il jouait aussi
au Theatre a l'Universite Americaine du Caire
ou il a suivi des cours et a recu le prix du meilleur
universitaire plusieurs fois.
Pour Khaled, l'echange de talents et de professions a eu lieu plusieurs
fois. D'abord avec le Water Polo (1986-1989), puis avec les recherches
Satelittes et tele-communications a l'Universite de Surrey
Mais il jouait toujours au Waterpolo et gardait toujours l'interet pour
Arts et le Theatre a Londres. Il a aussi commence une carriere de
entre 1993 et 1996.
a decide d'ameliorer ses talents artistiques en consacrant l'annee 1997
pour etudier le cinema. Il avait eu le prix du meilleur
court-metrage dans le Biennale du Caire pour son premier film
comme metteur en scene : Sol Star (1996).

En 1999, Khaled a commence sa carriere de presentateur a la Television
Egyptienne a la Chaine de Nile
et MBC En tres peu de temps,
il a attire l'attention a cause de son style frais et contraverse. Il a
participe a plusieurs programmes comme Eshar
Maana et MUZIKANA (www.muzikana.com) ou
il a interviewe des stars Arabes et Internationales.
En 2000, apres avoir eu le prix du meilleur nouveau
presentateur, Khaled a ete selectionne pour presenter le programme
"Bonjour L'Egypte"un des programmes quotidiens les plus
En meme
temps, un autre reve a ete realise en 2001 : Le metteur en scene
renomme "Daoud Abdel Sayed"
a choisi Khaled pour jouer le role principal avec Salah Abdallah et le
chanteur controverse Shaaban Abdel Rehim dans Mowaten we Mokhber wa
Haramy : "Le Citoyen , l’indic et le voleur" (www.egyfilm.com/mowaten)
style du film ainsi que ses comediens ont surpris ou meme choque le
public et les critiques.Il leur a fallu trois semaines pour se relever
choc initial et admettre que le film n'est qu'un nouveau chef d
de "Daoud
Abdel Sayed"(IMDB).
metteur en scene Egyptien Ali Abdel-Khalek (IMDB)
qui avait choisi Khaled dans "Rendez-Vous
(2000)" (http://rendez-vous-movie.com/)
lui a offert un nouveau role dans son
nouveau film "Yom EL Karama
(2002)" : "Le jour de la dignite" (file data), Une
histoire vraie d'action et de guerre entierement filmee
cette annee a Alexandrie et
a aussi collabore avec le jeune cineaste Hany Khalifa et le Scenariste
Tamer Habib dans "Sahar El
Layali"(2003) :
"Les nuits Veillees" qui sortira cet ete.
- Khaled a aussi collabore avec Scenariste
Tamer Habib
dans"Hob El Banat" (2004) avec le scene renomme
El Hagar
From 2002 Khaled has
established a proffessional star
status which lead to his nomination to star many other projects, like
the musical comedy "WEST EL BALAD" where He sang and performed
a contemporary "Romeo"
set in a Cairene downtown alley. and also as "Seif El Daly" in "EL BANAT" (2003) (IMDB) TV Series which
won him BEST TV Award from Minister Safwat El-Sherif of Egypt.
performed the role of "Kimo" a famous young actor / star who finds
a prison only when he falls in real love in "Girls' Love"
a.k.a. "Women's love"
a.k.a. "Hob
El Banat" (2004) (IMDB)
written once again by Tamer Habib and got
Special mention awards in
Cairo International
Film Festival October 2003. It was shot March till August 2003.
Directed by Khaled
El Hagar
Khaled is now reported to be shooting the new film MALEK WE
KETABA directed by Kamla Abu Zekry
Khaled won several Awards
(Awards details>> here )
for his role "Ali" in "Sahar
El Layaly" (2003) at (Paris) Arab Cinema Biennale at the
Institute du Monde Arabe IMA
Int'l Film Festival 2003
for his role "Ali" in "Sahar
El Layaly" (2003) at (Syria) Damascus
Int'l Film Festival 2003
Egyptian Oscars ACTING AWARD
for his role "Ali" in "Sahar
Layaly" (2003) from
Egyptian Film Society 2004
from ART for his achievement as a Young Actor from 1998-2003, 2003
(Tunisian) Sousse FIFEJ 2003 Film Festival.
AWARD for his role "Ali"
in "Sahar El Layaly" (2003)
from several Media & Magazine Polls, 2003
Nominated by Egypt
for the Acadamy OSCARS Awards (LA, USA) for Best Foreign Film
Competition 2003.
Personal quotes
"Material THINGS do NOT give us
extra Value, we are the ones who give material THINGS all its value."
Where now:
- as an Actor, Khaled is based in Cairo,
Egypt. But he is constantly travelling for work either as an actor, or
a TV-Host
- 2005: Malek we
Ketaba (2005)
Feature - Main role: Tarek
2004: Hob El Banat (2004)
Feature Film - Main role: Kimo
2003: Sahar El Layaly (2003) Feature Film - Lead role: Ali
2003: EL Banat (2003-2004) TV Series
- Lead role: Seif El Daly
2003: Yom El Karama (2002) Feature Film - Lead role: Lt.Hasan Hosny
2002: WEST EL BALAD (2002) Play -
Lead role: Romeo/Ramadan
2001: Mowaten we Mokhber we Haramy (2001) Feature Film - Lead role:
2000: Rendez-Vous (2000) Feature Film - Lead role: Ashraf
Leh Khaletny Ahebak
(2000) Feature Film - role: as himself
From Fashion to
An Egyptian Phenomenon
on Egyptian television,
commercials, modeling, Egyptian cinema, hosting & interviewing on
programs, Khaled Abolnaga, the Egyptian jack of seven trades, Khaled
Abolnaga was only 12 years old when he started his career as an actor.
He starred alongside Naglaa Fathy and Hussein Fahmy in film "GENOUN AL
HOB" aka.. Madness of Love.
Besides being a computer science student and teaching assistant at the
AUC, Khaled studied Tele-Communication Engineering at the Ain Shams
Throughout those years of studying from 1989-1994, he kept on taking
roles in plays to fullfill his artistic desire. Having being graduated
with highest honours , he won a scholarship in the UK to research
design!. In 1995 launched his first experimental satellite with a group
of students from all over the world in Orbit... they called it UoSAT-5
it is still in the orbit up till present.
In 1998-1999, Khaled decided to turn seriously into his artistic side
and study acting/directing and cinematography when he went to Hollywood
study cinema. Khaled Abolnaga just finished filming his first string
"MOWATEN WE MOKHBER WE HARAMY" were he shares the starring roles
Salah Abdallah, Shaaban Abd El Rehim, and Hend Sabry.
Dawood Abd El Sayed directs the film. "MOWATEN WE MOKHBER WE HARAMY"
is an attempt by Dawood Abd El Sayed to investigate a hilarious
assumption: What would happen if a classically educated and cultured
person a symbol of "A Citizen" played by Khaled Abolnaga happened to be
in a clash with
a "Thief" played by Shaaban Abd El Rehim who is a Street-wise thief
no education nor sophistication of the Citizen. The detective role
"Mokhber" played by Salah Abdallah a symbol of the authority, tries to
help and asks for help in return, also introduces to the "Citizen" his
future wife, "Hayat" played by Hend Sabry who becomes the link between
the two different worlds of the Citizen and the Thief. The Film is a
Black Comedy with few new songs released for the first time.
Khaled Abolnaga is preparing now for his new film, He will be playing
"ALI" in "SAHAR EL LAYALY", directed by Hany Khalifa and written by
Tamer Habib, co-stars: Sherif Mouneer, Mona Zaki, Ahmed Helmy, on air
for 45 minutes
talking while it was a scheduled 5 minutes interview, a lot of
quoted that interview in the press, ANOTHER MEDIA VICTORY FOR KHALED AS